Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Brown Eyes

This movie was also very emotional and depressing.

I think that it was even more upsetting because I have been in a situation similiar to this little boys. I studied abroad in Spain the summer before my sophomore year, and I lived in a town, with a family that did not speak any English. My spanish was not very good at all, and often I found myself in situations where people were trying to talk to me and I had no idea what they were saying. It is very frustrating to be in this situation because you want so badly to understand, but they just seem to be talking to fast and in this crazy foreign language.

If anything, my experience abroad taught me the importance of not discriminating against others. It is important to be educated and tolerant of the the differences of others. As a teacher one of my main goals is to be aware of what is going on around me, and making sure that all my students well included.

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