Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last Day in Field

How bittersweet!

I will not miss getting up at 630 to drive to Beech Hill Elementary, but I will wish everything about being there. I have really enjoyed getting to know my cooperating teacher and all her students. They were incredibly accepting of me and my partner, and they did everything they could to make us feel comfortable. My cooperating teacher was very helpful in all my assingments, and she seemed very eager to share her opinions and ideas with us.

On my last day I had to teach my final lesson, a math lesson on division. The students were very well behaved, and were very excited about participating in our division activity with Smarties. I was very pleased with how the lesson went, but at the same time I was relieved that I was done!

Our students went to special area, and when they got back it was time for us to leave.
Our teacher stopped the class and told the students that this was our last day. She told us, and the students, that she was grateful to have had us and that she will miss us. She started to tear up a little bit, something I was not expecting! We presented her with a book "Forever Young" by Bob Dylan and then said goodbye to the students. I will miss them.

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