Saturday, May 2, 2009


I really enjoyed complelting the assessment interview with my cooperating teacher. I felt like I already knew what most of her assessments were, through observing. I knew that she had weekly spelling tests, and that there were end of the lesson math and english tests. I also knew that she was constantly making observations and adjustments according to them. I enjoyed learning about the assessments that I did not know about, especially the way the SST board was the one to make decisions about who can be determined as a special needs student. I was surprised how complicated and long the process was, it actually seemed very hard to be determined special needs. I really like how our teacher used Wednesday folders to communicate with parents and keep them updated on how their students were doing. I feel like this is a really simple and efficient way to keep up constant communication between the teacher and parents.

In my classroom I want to make sure that I use a variety of assessments. I believe that it is really important to make sure that I am testing my students ability in many different ways. This will play into multiple intelligences, and allowing my students to express themselves in different ways.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the interview with my coop teacher was interesting too. We were constantly observing her assessing the kids but I didn't see how much went into the assessments as far as school wide and district wide assessments.
