Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chapter 6

1. List the members of my family: David Randall(58-step-father), Deborah Randall(52-mother), Christopher Hetue(17-brother)
2. I am the first in my immediate family to go to college. My dad did not graduate high scool and my mom went straight into the army after high school.
3. My dad was is retired army and then he was a chef in the Women's Correctional Facitilites. My mom was a registered home-daycare and is currently back in school for nursing.
4. Because we are a small family unit, decision making is communal. We really respect and trust eachother's decisions.
5. Movies, dinner, going shopping, goingto the beach.
6. My mom does housework and my brother works in the yard.
7. Our home is a bit chaotic.
8. The family priorities are to take care of each other.
9. My mother is very supportive of whatever it is I do.
10. We are such a small unit that we are all influences on eachother's lives.

1. My community is very watchful of everyone elses children..
2. My community is a sub-urban neighborhood.
3. The community has plenty of resources-stores, activities, libraries, etc.
4. I feel that everyone meets at school activities or sports games.
5. Children and families are the most important units within the community.
6. I am not really sure of any obvious community issues. I know that neighborhood watch is a big deal.
7. My community is not as close as it was when I was growing up.
8. The children really affect our community and the schools in the area.

Last Day in Field

How bittersweet!

I will not miss getting up at 630 to drive to Beech Hill Elementary, but I will wish everything about being there. I have really enjoyed getting to know my cooperating teacher and all her students. They were incredibly accepting of me and my partner, and they did everything they could to make us feel comfortable. My cooperating teacher was very helpful in all my assingments, and she seemed very eager to share her opinions and ideas with us.

On my last day I had to teach my final lesson, a math lesson on division. The students were very well behaved, and were very excited about participating in our division activity with Smarties. I was very pleased with how the lesson went, but at the same time I was relieved that I was done!

Our students went to special area, and when they got back it was time for us to leave.
Our teacher stopped the class and told the students that this was our last day. She told us, and the students, that she was grateful to have had us and that she will miss us. She started to tear up a little bit, something I was not expecting! We presented her with a book "Forever Young" by Bob Dylan and then said goodbye to the students. I will miss them.

Happy Comments

I have really enjoyed this semester. I feel like I am finally a real college student, and I am on way to having a career as a teacher. I am finally interested in all my classes, and enjoying participating in discussions. All our assingments finally feel like they are worth the time I have to put into them. I loved performing experiements in science class, and learning how to teach my future students about the joys of science. I loved our social studies class and putting together a real unit plan! I loved learning about phonics and its' importance in the classroom. I loved my math class and learning about all the different manipulatives. I loved field, and spending every Wednesday morning with second graders. I loved getting to know my cooperating teacher and having someone to ask questions and get answers from. I loved this class. I loved all our different assingments, and the variety of ways that we learned in the classroom. I am so pumped for next school year!!!!

My Brown Eyes

This movie was also very emotional and depressing.

I think that it was even more upsetting because I have been in a situation similiar to this little boys. I studied abroad in Spain the summer before my sophomore year, and I lived in a town, with a family that did not speak any English. My spanish was not very good at all, and often I found myself in situations where people were trying to talk to me and I had no idea what they were saying. It is very frustrating to be in this situation because you want so badly to understand, but they just seem to be talking to fast and in this crazy foreign language.

If anything, my experience abroad taught me the importance of not discriminating against others. It is important to be educated and tolerant of the the differences of others. As a teacher one of my main goals is to be aware of what is going on around me, and making sure that all my students well included.

Tammy the Hardworking Mother


This video made me so sad!
I was so depressed for Tammy and her family. Tammy works so hard to support her family. She walks a ridiculous long way to work, sometimes in the rain, because she does not want to have to depend on welfare. Her family does not seem to appreciate what she does for them and this made me very angry at her children. Her son is blatantly embarassed of his mother and does not appreicate anything that she does. He is obsessed of getting out of his house and moving away. I am glad that he has goals, and realizes that an education is important to move up in the world, but forgetting where you came from is not the answer.

Case Study vs. Field

1. What can the children in your field classroom do that your case study child might not be able to do yet?

There are many things that students in my field classroom could do that my case study child could not to. I was in a second grade field classroom and my case study child was three years old. My field classroom students could sit down, being given instructions, and complete a task. The second graders are very independent, but they also know how to share and communicate with other students in the class.
The three year olds have a very short attention span and had difficulty focusing on one task. They needed to have many different choices, and short activities to participate in. The three year olds had great difficulty communicating their feelings and emotions with their peers, and often resulted to hitting each other.

2. What differences do you notice in the way the primary grade classrooms are structured in comparison to ECDC?

The primary grade classroom is much more structured and organized, where as ECDC has stuff all over the place. ECDC reminds me of organized chaos. There are activities, games, and centers everywhere but they are organized and clean. There are many opportunities and areas to play in the ECDC classroom, where as in the field classroom the students are pretty much confined to their desks.


I really enjoyed complelting the assessment interview with my cooperating teacher. I felt like I already knew what most of her assessments were, through observing. I knew that she had weekly spelling tests, and that there were end of the lesson math and english tests. I also knew that she was constantly making observations and adjustments according to them. I enjoyed learning about the assessments that I did not know about, especially the way the SST board was the one to make decisions about who can be determined as a special needs student. I was surprised how complicated and long the process was, it actually seemed very hard to be determined special needs. I really like how our teacher used Wednesday folders to communicate with parents and keep them updated on how their students were doing. I feel like this is a really simple and efficient way to keep up constant communication between the teacher and parents.

In my classroom I want to make sure that I use a variety of assessments. I believe that it is really important to make sure that I am testing my students ability in many different ways. This will play into multiple intelligences, and allowing my students to express themselves in different ways.

Time Management

"Time is the scarcest resource; and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.” Peter F. Drucker

Time management is something that I have always struggled with. I enjoy making to do lists and organizing my planner, but when it comes to actually putting those lists and organization into practice I have trouble. Time management is a very important skill that a teacher should possess. If a teacher can not manage time appropriately there will never be enough time to teach all that needs to be taught. I have had an experience with this already in my field class. My first lesson that I taught was an english lesson on main idea and details. I had it planned and organized and I thought I was extremely prepared to teach. When I got up there to teach I completly forgot that I only had a certain slot of time to teach. I had so much information to teach, but I had not managed my time correctly and did not have enough time to teach it in.

One of my goals for next semester is to practice my time management consistently. Whether it's balancing school work with hanging out with friends, or planning the lessons for my students I want to make sure that I have time to teach all that I need to.